• Programme

    Speakers included Dr. Dennis Keefe (US FDA) who gave a presentation on the FDA approach to novel food ingredients, Mr. Rafael Perez Berbejal (DG SANTE, European Commission), who presented the EU Novel Foods legislation and its implementation, and Mrs. Diane McColl (Hyman, Phelps & McNamara), who gave some insights into the placing novel foods on the market. Mr. Nicolas Carbonelle (Bird & Bird) explained the EU regulatory aspects of personalised nutrition, with Mr. Ricardo Carvajal (Hyman, Phelps & McNamara) presenting the FDA approach and Ms. Francisca Serra (University of the Balearic Islands) providing the scientific background to the concept of personalised nutrition. Mrs. Cathy Weir (Amway) gave some insights into the personalised nutrition from a global company perspective

    The Conference programme is available here.

  • Venue and timing

    Thon Hotel EU, Brussels, Belgium
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