• Become a member

    Membership of the European Food Law Association is open to individuals who, by their professional activities or their publications, contribute to the development of food law in a legal or a non-legal field. EFLA members exercise the rights and responsibilities in their own personal capacity and do not represent any corporate interests.

    Membership is also open to corporate entities whose aims are considered by the Council as being compatible with the aims of EFLA. EFLA corporate membership allows for several individuals from the same organization to exercise the rights and responsibilities of an EFLA member. Corporate membership does not constitute corporate funding or corporate sponsorship of EFLA and EFLA members shall act with no intention of gain.

    The annual membership fee is determined by the General Assembly; currently it amounts to €250 for individual members, €75 for retired members and students, and €1250 for corporate members.

    For more information about membership, please contact the EFLA secretariat.
    For more information about the EFLA Council, please visit ‘About EFLA’.

  • Individual members


    • Abdulle Jamilla
    • Acquafredda Vicenzo
    • Andreis Lorenza
    • Arayess Sarah
    • Artom Alice
    • Avar Tamas
    • Benson Helen
    • Biermasz Jikke
    • Böhler Christian
    • Bruyndonckx Annabelle
    • Buch-Weeke Tanja
    • Burr Mara M.
    • Carbonnelle Nicolas
    • Carvajal Ricardo
    • Chopova-Lepretre Pavlina
    • Claeys Charles
    • Dr. Clemens Comans
    • Cianci Andrea
    • Corte Elena
    • Corte Paola
    • de Jong Philippe
    • Diekmann Fabienne
    • Dobinson John
    • Douek Natalia
    • Dubitsky Marie
    • Durazzo Giuseppe
    • Durazzo Maddalena
    • Eggers Christofer
    • Evans Leonie
    • Fallah Silke
    • Figueiredo Junior Gerardo
    • Gasuns Renars
    • Gawronski Silvia
    • Gerstberger Ina
    • Girnau Marcus
    • Gisewski Julia
    • Grube Markus
    • Guillet Laetitia
    • Hallaert Johan
    • Hartmann Oliver
    • Hoogenraad Ebba H.
    • Jameson Glenford
    • Jelescu Giorgiana
    • Kluge Vanessa
    • Krakowiak Joanna
    • Langhorst Maren
    • Lebrecht Christian
    • Liesen Peter
    • Loosen Peter
    • Lox Wouter
    • Lucifero Nicola
    • Luetzow Manfred
    • Mahy Aude
    • Mailly Jacqueline
    • Mangnus Niels
    • Martos Ricardo
    • Meier Christian
    • Meisterernst Andreas
    • Michalik Mariusz
    • Montanari Francesco
    • Montalto Oksan Ozgen
    • Moran Colm A.
    • Mrohs Angelika
    • Mutsaers Barbara
    • Notaro Chiara
    • Oger Karol
    • Oliver Stephen
    • Pineda Ereno David
    • Planchenstainer Francesco
    • Raus Bregt
    • Reinhart Stephanie
    • Ribeiro Anderson
    • Rodriguez Fuentes Vicente
    • Rossi Cristina
    • Scheres Huub
    • Schuddebeurs Charlotte
    • Schuuring Henk Jan
    • Songül Aylin
    • Sorreaux Grégory
    • Stehlik Marcus
    • Steenbergen Lisanne
    • Szymecka-Wesolowska Agnieszka
    • Tallon Mark
    • Thomas Ian
    • Traviglia Filippo
    • Treuil Emmanuel
    • Tschandl Florian
    • Ustav Urmas
    • Van der Meulen Bernd
    • Van tuijl Marijn
    • Van Wichelen Caro
    • Vanuzzo Marianna
    • Verheijen Irene
    • Verhoestraete Florence
    • Verhoeven Hannah
    • Verzijden Karin
    • Ville Patrice
    • Weigel Christian
    • Wesolowska Aleksandra
    • Zanchi Giuliano