
Feb 2019

The Labelling of Nanomaterials under EU Law, with a Particular Focus on France

The use of nanomaterials in foods is one of the emerging areas for innovation that is addressed by EU Food Law. New applications of nanomaterials … Read more

Mar 2015

EFLA comments on REFIT of Regulation 178/2002

Integrity of food legislation The review of Regulation 178/2002 should be considered together with other food legislation as the respective provisions might overlap or contradict. … Read more

Jan 2014

From agricultural to food law

The differences between agricultural law and food law are becoming progressively blurred. This is only natural because both intend to control that food products placed … Read more

Jan 2011

Private food law: Governing food chains through contract law, self-regulation, private standards, audits and certification schemes

The 18th International Scientific EFLA Congress, held in September 2010 under the umbrella theme "Private food law; Non-regulatory dimensions of food law", inspired the speakers … Read more

Oct 2010

EFLA/AEDA Interpretation Notes on Regulation EC no 1924/2006 on nutrition and health claims made on foods

N.B.: These notes do not cover issues that have been covered by the “Guidance on the implementation of Regulation EC no 1924/2006 on nutrition and … Read more

Jun 2010

Food Risk Communication

Introduction and scope The question I will be addressing in this paper is that of the tension and balance between the protection of public health … Read more