Over the past 30 years, the European Union has taken a fairly consistent path in the development and application of food law. We now seem to be at a crossroads and the future direction of travel may differ from the past. There would now appear to be a growing move towards re-nationalisation of food law, rather than harmonisation. Whether or not this is conscious decision of the European Union, the potential implications of this for those operating within the EU market are significant.
This Congress aimed at highlighting those areas where this shift is currently most apparent, address the existing and potential future impact, and discuss what this means for the future evolution of EU food law.
The event was important not just for practitioners of food law, but also all those working in companies, government bodies and trade associations who will be significant impacted by the decisions taken by the EU in this area.
Please find the programme of the Congress here.
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German Lebensmittel Zeitung quoting speakers from EFLA Congress in Hamburg (20-21 September 2018), September 2018