The EFLA Conference 2019 focused on the topic of Codex Alimentarius and its role in the regulatory developments in the EU, US and worldwide.
Within the first session entitled ‘From a programme to an international body: Codex Alimentarius evolution and its current challenges’, Mr Steve Wearne (Codex Alimentarius Commission) presented the Codex Strategic Plan 2020-2025, Mrs Nicole Coutrelis (Coutrelis and Associes) and Mr Ricardo Carvajal (Hyman Phelps and Mcnamara) talked about horizontal topics handled by Codex of interest for the EU and the US respectively. Finally, Mr Kaushik Janakiraman (RB - Reckitt Benckiser, the Netherlands) highlighted the industry perspective on Codex Alimentarius activities.
Speakers in the following session, Dr Markus Lipp (JECFA Secretariat, FAO), Dr Paul Honigfort (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and Dr Daniel Folmer (U.S. Food and Drug Administration), talked about the approach to science at Codex level and in the US.
The last session’s speakers looked at Codex Alimentarius mission at the national level. The session started with a presentation from Dr Sebastien Goux (DG Sante, European Commission) focusing on the role of Codex Alimentarius in the EU food policy. This was followed by a speech from Mr Martin Hahn (Hogan Lovells) about standards of identity of products in the US. Mrs Caroline Rey (EU Specialty Food Ingredients) talked about Codex food additives provisions (GSFA) and their use internationally, and Dr Karen Hulebak (Former Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission, Resolution Strategy LLC) concluded the session with a critical analysis of the practical application of Codex principles.
The Conference programme is available here.